The Metaverse
Reed+Rader collaborated with Geoffrey Lillemon to create an avatar inpsired fashion editorial.
"...and more recently, the style-conscious have leaned heavily on avatars, like the ones seen here in "Metaverse". Ascend to new levels in these invented environments, where the influencers are infinite — and remember, a lady wears her online persona, she doesn't let it wear her." — V Magazine
Art Direction, 3D Environment Design and Animation: Pamela Reed + Matthew Rader
3D Character Design and Animation: Geoffrey Lillemon
Producer: Valtteri Laihanen
Photography: Reed + Rader
Fashion: Jessica Bobince
Makeup: Kristin Hilton (The Wall Group for MAKE cosmetics)
Hair: Linh Nguyen (Kate Ryan Inc for PR and Partners using REDKEN)
Model: Anni Jurgenson (Marilyn)
Sound Design: Dylan Galletly
Photo Assistant: Layla Wrencher
Stylist Assistant: Jerome Ison
Geoffrey Lillemon
Art Direction, 3D Environment Design and Animation: Pamela Reed + Matthew Rader
3D Character Design and Animation: Geoffrey Lillemon
Producer: Valtteri Laihanen
Photography: Reed + Rader
Fashion: Jessica Bobince
Makeup: Kristin Hilton (The Wall Group for MAKE cosmetics)
Hair: Linh Nguyen (Kate Ryan Inc for PR and Partners using REDKEN)
Model: Anni Jurgenson (Marilyn)
Sound Design: Dylan Galletly
Photo Assistant: Layla Wrencher
Stylist Assistant: Jerome Ison
Geoffrey Lillemon